Commissioned by the county Utrecht and in collaboration with PARKLAAN Landschapsarchitecten.
Near Bunnik, close to the A12 directly situated next to Fort Vechten, a slight slope in the landscape is visible under a small orchard. This slope houses at least seven generations of Roman castella stacked on top of each other. When the Romans conquered Northern Europe shortly before the start of our calendar, this area acted as a base from which they intended to break through to the rest of the north. Here, the Vecht branched from the Rhine, which made it the perfect location for the castellum FECTIO. When conquering the north proved unsuccessful, the Romans pulled back until just behind the Rhine, which had at that point become the northern border of the Roman Empire. A line of castella and watchtowers sprung up using the Limes as a connecting road. This makes Fectio, together with Valkenburg near Den Haag and Nijmegen, one of the oldest, biggest and most important Roman castella in The Netherlands. As opposed to many other sights of the Roman presence, this area has maintained free from development. It is not hard to imagine that beneath this ground is an extraordinary treasure room (Thesaurus).
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