REGIA PACIS (Queen of Peace)
Commissioned by Amsterdams Fond voor de Kunst, Borough Zuid-Oost, and the parish of the Vredeskerk.
A sketch design for the square of the Vredeskerk in Amsterdam Zuid-Oost.
Just like the church square in the Italian village Piënza, the design of the Vredeskerkplein is a projection of the church façade.
The lattice window is seen in the oval brass dish and the three vertical lines of the tower project long lines along the length axis of the triangular square.
The ellipse-shaped dish has the form and structure of a leaf of the water lily Victoria Regia. One focus point of the ellipse forms the source (alpha) and causes a pulsing wave in the shallow water in the dish. The waves turn to the other side of the dish and ‘implode’ in the second focus point (omega). The wave pattern is visible at night as a projection behind the lattice window of the church.
Long benches have been integrated into the lines that lead from the tower and define the square. The waves of the water underneath the benches are a reference to the ‘wondrous temple well’. (Ezekiel 47: 1-12)
Sketch design: 2003
Click HERE for a booklet about this design. (Dutch)