a vision on the connection of the N50/N764/Hanzelijn commissioned by the municipal Kampen, executed in collaboration with PARKLAAN Landschapsarchitecten.

After the redesign of the infrastructure various spaces have become locked in this traffic tissue as unreachable and orphaned shards. We want to bring these different shards together under one denominator and the best way to do this is to introduce water as a combining force. The traffic tissue no longer separates the Kloof into different pieces, but becomes a unifying framework that seems to have been thrown over a continuous surface of water. This causes the situation to become the monumentality that lives up to the scale of the city and the landscape as a worthy waterfront for Kampen.
In Hanze’s time, seafarers orientated themselves with the aid of a compass and ingenious sea maps with compass roses and orientation lines. We want to connect this new waterfront, with the help of this centuries old method of localisation, with the historical waterfront along the IJsselkade in the historical centre of Kampen.
The new entryway to Kampen sees the combining of three different methods of transportation. We want to introduce a compass rose for each of these three; one for the railway passenger, one for the car driver, and one for recreational users. The orientation lines that are drawn from the compass roses are each made visible individually with a variety of vegetation; loosestrife, waterlilies and yellow irises. This way a fascinating linear pattern has the chance to be formed in both space and time (summer-winter).

Click HERE to read more about this project. (English)
February 2013